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Persisting Svelte Stores with localStorage

Writing a wrapper function for Svelte stores to connect them to localStorage

14 Dec 2022. 971 words.


Svelte stores show an awesome example of how easy global state managers can be. You don’t need to write any getters and setters, just add a $ sign and you are good to go!

import { writable } from "svelte/store";

export const teaStore = writable("black tea");
  import { teaStore } from "./stores";

<h1>Hello customer!</h1>
  <span>I want: </span>
  <input type="text" bind:value={$teaStore} />
  You wanted {$teaStore}!

However, because it is a very lightweight implementation, it lacks a few useful features that many React libraries provide out-of-the-box.

For example, this is how Zustand and Jotai offer to persist data between user sessions:

import { useAtom } from "jotai";
import { atomWithStorage } from "jotai/utils";

const teaAtom = atomWithStorage("my-tea", "black tea");

const App = () => {
  const [tea, setTea] = useAtom(teaAtom);
  const handleChange = (e) => setTea(;

  return (
      <h1>Hello customer!</h1>
        <span>I want: </span>
        <input type="text" value={tea} onChange={handleChange} />
        You wanted {tea}!
import create from "zustand";
import { persist } from "zustand/middleware";

const useTeaStore = create(persist(
  (set) => ({
    tea: "Black tea",
    setTea: (next) => set({ tea: next }),

const App = () => {
  const tea = useTeaStore((state) => state.tea);
  const setTea = useTeaStore((state) => state.setTea);
  const handleChange = (e) => setTea(;

  return (
      <h1>Hello customer!</h1>
        <span>I want: </span>
        <input type="text" value={tea} onChange={handleChange} />
        You wanted {tea}!

Thankfully, Svelte stores are also highly customisable, and it was a pretty easy trick to implement a wrapper to persist the store values. Let’s have a look.

Quick Introduction

Before we start, it’s useful to know Svelte stores are just plain objects with three functions: subscribe, set, and update. If we have a closer look at the Svelte documentation, we can use any objects as stores with the $ syntax, as long as we correctly implement the first two. This is great because it lets us create different ’types’ of stores:

import { writable } from "svelte/store";

const betterWritable = (value) => {
  const store = writable(value);
  // do other things
  return store;

export const betterTeaStore = betterWritable("Black tea");

or even middleware functions without much hassle:

import { writable, get } from "svelte/store";

const makeStoreBetter = (store) => {
  const mySetter = (next) => {
    // do other things
  const myUpdater = (updater) => {
    const next = updater(get(store));
  return {
    subscribe: store.subscribe,
    set: mySetter,
    update: myUpdater,

const teaStore = writable("Black tea");
export const betterTeaStore = makeStoreBetter(teaStore);

Approach 1: Subscribing

I found this method from this post. Essentially, you check localStorage when initiating a store, and immediately subscribe to the store to listen to any changes and write the values to localStorage.

import { writable } from "svelte/store";

// ensure client-side
const isBrowser = typeof Storage !== "undefined";

const TEA_STORE_KEY = "my-tea";
const TEA_DEFAULT = "Black tea";

// initiate the store by try reading from localStorage
const defaultTea =
  isBrowser && TEA_STORE_KEY in localStorage
    ? localStorage.getItem(TEA_STORE_KEY)
export const teaStore = writable(defaultTea);

// listen to changes and update localStorage accordingly
if (isbrowser) {
  defaultTea.subscribe((value) =>
    localStorage.setItem(TEA_STORE_KEY, value)

Because localStorages can only store string values, we need to use the JSON API to help us store other JSONifiable types like numbers, arrays and objects:

import { writable } from "svelte/store";

// ensure client-side
const isBrowser = typeof Storage !== "undefined";

const DESSERT_STORE_KEY = "my-dessert";
const DESSERT_DEFAULT = { chocolate: 1, cracker: 3 };

// initiate the store by try reading from localStorage
const defaultDessert =
  isBrowser && DESSERT_STORE_KEY in localStorage
    ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(DESSERT_STORE_KEY))
export const dessertStore = writable(defaultDessert);

// listen to changes and update localStorage accordingly
if (isbrowser) {
  defaultDessert.subscribe((value) =>
    localStorage.setItem(JSON.stringify(DESSERT_STORE_KEY), value)

You can clearly see the lines we have to write over and over again, so let’s define a new writable store instead.

import { writable } from "svelte/store";

const isBrowser = typeof Storage !== "undefined";

const persistable = (key, initialValue) => {
  // ensure client-side
  if (!isBrowser) return writable(store);

  // load saved state from previous session
  const loaded =
    key in localStorage
      ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key))
      : initialValue;
  const store = writable(loaded);

  // listen to changes and save
  store.subscribe((value) => {
    localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));

  return store;

export const teaStore = persistable("my-tea", "Black tea");
export const dessertStore = persistable("my-dessert",
  { chocolate: 1, cracker: 3 }

Approach 2: Custom contract

The previous method lets you replicate Jotai’s atomWithStorage, which I believe is good enough, but what if we want to mimic Zustand’s persist?

import { writable } from "svelte/store";
import persist from "...";

export const teaStore = persist("my-tea",
  writable("Black tea"),

One way to achieve is to call store.set to load from localStorage first, and then call store.subscribe to listen to further changes. This is problematic because the value will be saved to localStorage as soon as it is read. Instead, we can move the saving logic to a custom set function.

import { writable, get } from "svelte/store";
const isBrowser = typeof Storage !== "undefined";

const persist = (key, store) => {
  // ensure client-side
  if (!isBrowser) return store;

  // load saved state from previous session
  if (key in localStorage) {
    const loaded = localStorage.getItem(key);

  // modify the setters to call localStorage.setItem
  const setThenSave = (value) => {
    localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));

  return {
    subscribe: store.subscribe,
    set: setThenSave,
    update: (updater) => {
      const updated = updater(get(store));

export const teaStore = persist("my-tea",
  writable("Black tea"),
export const dessertStore = persist("my-dessert",
  writable({ chocolate: 1, cracker: 3 }),

We now have another way to set up a persistent store!


You can have a look at this REPL to play with the codes more in detail.